Hutang : Kak Leen's wedding dinner pictures

This is related to this post here.

I'm so sorry for this late post! Pfft :P Who cares, here are some of the pictures during the dinner :)

My sister! She's pretty, no? ;)

My dad and the bride getting ready to walk down the aisle :)

My first uncle & aunt.

Eheh, they sang the beautiful love songs! :)

My sister's friends made a surprise along with my BIL for my sister :)
My brother in law singing a song for her wife. Sweet kan?! :D

These are just some of the hundreds of pictures but I can't possibly post everything here. I'm not doing it also, haha. Bye for now! ;)

p.s. My sister is a pure Chinese. If you're confused how are we sisters and whatsoever, read this.


Nur Aisyah said…
kkak kandung ke wei??
Shahiela C said…
Hmmm ye kot, ayah sama, mak lain.

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