Medical posting

Nope, not the end of posting yet this time. Haha.

I just feel like blogging out of a sudden lol. So what's up guys? I'm currently at the end of week 3 of medical posting. Another 3 weeks to go. Anyway, I'm going to have my short case exam next week. I'm so scared T_T as usual. Being the usual me kan, memang penakut weh setiap kali exam.

Medical is one of the hardest posting for me. There are so much to learn, so much to digest, so much to take in. Basically it's everything from head to toe. All systems altogether tau tak T_____T Banyak gila, I swear. Semua pun lain-lain. Physical examination generally ada 4 je tapi tu pun susah sangat nak hadam. Tak taulah, semakin banyak belajar, semakin banyak tak tau. Entah lah 3 tahun lepas belajar apa, so superficial. My knowledge is very, very superficial. Memang dasar study untuk exam je, sekarang dah rasa the bad part of doing that :(

Examination setiap lecturer lain-lain, semua ada style sendiri. Ikut cara Dr A, dia nak camni tapi maybe Dr B tak setuju. Belum masuk Dr C sampai Dr Z. Tu tak salahkan la, yang penting basic tu. Dapat perform tu satu hal, nak kena interpret satu hal lagi. Even that 4 types of physical examinations pun still tak master sampai sekarang. Semalam ada short case teaching, I was the one who's in charge of performing the physical examination la. Mula-mula ingatkan nak kena buat respiratory system, sekali Dr suruh buat neurological examination. Ha-ha-ha. Terus beristighfar on the spot hahahaha. Sehari sebelum tu dah terasa dah sebenarnya tapi tengok ala kadar je. Prepare untuk respiratory, cardiovascular & abdomen examinations ja. Nasib baik bawa jugak CNS kit, kalau tak... hahaha memang nampak sangatlah tak prepare. (Examination aku kelaut jugak... xD)

Bila camtu kan, malunyaaaaa dengan Dr, patient & isteri dia hahaha. Pakcik tu relax je. Sangat cooperative. Nasib baik dapat pakcik comel sebagai patient. At least kuranglah sikit cuak tu bila pakcik tu cooperate and sangat membantu selain buat lawak so boleh gelak hilangkan nervous sikit haha. Semoga cepat sembuh pakcik, terima kasih bagi saya examine pakcik :)

What I wanna say is that medical posting ni susah :/ Banyak benda nak kena belajar but very interesting I'd say. Kena sangat critical in managing cases. Hari-hari case lain-lain masuk. Not to say other postings takyah critical and not interesting tapi contoh macam ortho, dia lagi direct and specific to musculoskeletal system. Medical kena cover jantung, paru-paru, otak, buah pinggang dannn macam-macam lagi.

Tu jelah nak cerita untuk harini. Korang doakan saya lulus posting ni ye? Thank you :3


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