Salam and hi.

It's the end of Surgery posting this time. Well, I guess I'll only be blogging when I'm at the end of my postings now haha. Not to say I'm busy but I just can't afford to do a blog post. Rasa bersalah la, study tak, blog kemain lagi kan :p Surgery wasn't a very nice posting though, tak sukaaaaa -_- I don't know the reason why exactly. It doesn't feel good. Tak best. Macam... blergh.

I'll be starting orthopedics after this. Orthopedic = anatomy. Generally, medicine itself is about anatomy. But faham tak macam ortho kan, kalau tak tau anatomy memang tak boleh pergi. Ortho is all about your muscles, bones, vessels zzzz. Kalau anatomy tak strong, memang kelaut weh T___T Camne ni camne niiii zzzzzzz.

Rasanya everytime buat blog post baru mesti cerita pasal study kan. Yelah nothing interesting pun nak cerita sekarang ni. I'm stuck here in Kelantan and I should be studying. 2 tahun je lagi ada untuk betulkan apa yang tak betul, tambah apa yang kurang and ingat semua yang dah pernah belajar. 5 years of studying kot, intense betul. Banyak.

Merungut banyak pun bukan boleh kurang pun ye dak. I really hope that I can keep up. Tengok orang lain macam okay je, seronok je masuk clinical ni. Me, nampaklah keserabutan, terkontang-kanting cari arah tujuan hahahaha sedih! Tolonglah doakan saya ye kalau awak baca ni. Thank you ;)

This was a few weeks ago, outing with my previous PBL mates. Incomplete though. I miss you guys so badly, anyway T_T


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