
Assalamualaikum. Hai. Hello.



(after 15 minutes)
Okay. Dah tak tau ah nak update blog canerrr. Kaku je jari ni. Kalau dulu kemain laju je jari ni nak menaip semua yang ada di hati ecewah! :p

Let's this post be untitled k. And macam biasa bahasa rojak ye sebab nanti kaku lagi terus cancel je post ni kang. Baiklah.

Tujuan post kali ini adalah untuk ucap Selamat Hari Rayaaaaaaaaaaaaa, korangz! Hahaha okay kelakar sangat kan. Dah nak habis Syawal baru nak wish ke? Maafkan saya! Boleh kata busy jugak ah sebenarnya sebab masa bulan puasa haritu sibuk tolong mama buat kuih. Order tahun ni lebih banyak so I'm tied to that and I don't even go out with my friends much. Or simply not at all. Selain Dieya haritu, itu pun sekejap sangat.

So now, kita update cerita Raya la k? Raya pun tak tau nak cakap apa sangat sebab kita tak ambil gambar pun sebab tak berapa sihat haritu. Panas sesangat, ya Allah. Lagipun tak beraya sangat sebab Raya kedua tu kitorang gi holiday hehe. Gambar ada tapi tak boleh upload haha. Gambar rasmi Raya takde sebab rushing sangat, limited time but many houses to visit.

Next, open house! Pun tak banyak sangat haha. Sabau je lah update Raya yang tah pape aku ni ek. But I went to a few but tak semua yang ambil gambar. Iolls kan pemalu hahaha. Eh seriuslah. *kening bercantum*

The first one was to Nazira's! I went there with Pei Khim. Met some juniors there :) Food were good hehe. Talk a little with them and had to go home early because we were going back to Malacca that evening. Because it was Pei Khim, I had some pictures of me taken. I felt so awkward though! Malu :"> Hahahaha. Dahlah tak fotogenik, sabau jelah lagi sekali ye.

And then, masa balik Melaka haritu, we went on the Ducktour! Kelakar tau sebab sebenarnya nak gi sarapan je that morning but straight away went for the Ducktour lepas nampak itik tu masa tengok Masjid Selat Melaka. The mosque is really beautiful, anyway! :D

Lagi apa eh? Takde pape dah kot. Oh oh, I babysit the children for 2 days, all alone! Okay, 1 setengah hari je. Waktu pagi ada 2 orang je, Hanim and Jinulin. Kalau petang, Hanim sekolah so ada Jinulin, Zara, Julian and Hanis. Jinulin is 2 y/o only. So the first day went okay from the moment Mama left with kakak to her training center. But the day went a little haywire when Zara came home crying and whining. All that I heard from her was, "I want Ibu, I want Ibu wuwuwu...". Hanis, always the reporter said that Zara had a headache and to confirm that Zara vomited right away as she entered the house. Oh my T________T Being the not-so-children-friendly me, I freaked out a little. So I said to myself, "Chill, ni benda kecik je. Suruh dia tido pastu okay lah". And I did that as she refused to eat. She did sleep though. But then she woke up suddenly and vomits again :O I can't wait any longer, I brought all 4 of them to Kakak's training center as fast as I could to get Mama check on Zara. Am I a medical student or whaaaat -___- But I'm still a student k, not yet a doctor. So Mama went home with us hehe.

The second day was okay. Only that budak manja, si Jinulin tu suka mengamuk bila tak dapat benda yang dia nak and tak reti nak sabar. And for uncountable times, I ignored him hahahaha. He did cried and yelled but then he gave up and move on with his toys :p Oh maybe that's why he cried for Mama after that hahaha.

I'm no good at babysitting, you see. I just don't know how to handle little children. To be able to comfort them when they cry and stuff... oh man.

Anyway, while we're still in the jolly Raya mood, Irsyad's baby brother passed away last Saturday. I was really, really sad when he told me. Reen was like my baby brother too. Didn't get to meet him and he's gone now at such a very, very young age. But surely there's a reason behind this, Allah is the best planner after all. Al-Fatihah.

I love you, adik Ahmad Nazreen Shah bin Hisyammudin.

So I guess, that is all. Everything summed up in an entry! My holidays are gonna end in another 10 days! :'( Sedih ah camni tapi dah bosan jugak duduk rumah ni haha. Masuk ni nanti dah fasa 2. Senior kata lebih susah, mestilah kan. Kita berdoa je lah supaya semoga dipermudahkan segalanya untuk kita semua, amin. Enjoy the rest of the holidays people! :D

 And I hope a selfie won't hurt :p


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