Watchu waiting for?

Howdy all?

Today is the last day of June. Phew. Half of 2012 has passed by. Such a loooong month for me. Quite a few events took place. Second month of work. Learnt a lot of things. Got pissed off by some irrelevant customers. Macam-macam perangai ada. Pening. -__-"

So I guess, we all shall say hello to July? Yes, hi July. One more important result is coming out. What I'll be pursuing for my first degree, where will I be studying? So nerve-wrecking. :O I have always hated waiting. Well, waiting is tiring. Don't you agree with me? I've always wished I could get my exam results straight away after exams. Kan senang once you know your result? Daripada tertanya-tanya siang malam, makan tak kenyang, mandi tak basah? Kan? KAN?! Ya, Shahiela. Macam kalau tengah tengok TV, tiba-tiba terasa perut lapar. Pergi dapur, takde makanan. Hampa. Kena masak. Tak pun tunggu mak masak. Tunggu! Seksa tahu tak?! Bayangkan kalau rasa lapar masa tengah tengok Oh My English, makanan terus muncul atas coffee table. Kan best cenggitu. Lagilah tekun tengok Oh My English seolah-olah berada dalam kelas tersebut diajar oleh Mr Middleton yang handsome tu.

Okay terpesong but you got the point, right? Waiting sucks. This is life, anyway. We just have to bare and live with it. I penat membebel, korang penat membaca tapi kenyataan tetap tak dapat diubah. Fine.

Gambar hiasan. Sesuai pulak dengan tema harini. ;p

Anyhow, let's all hope all is well in July! ;)


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