Maths and Biology.

I know, I know. Every time I said I'm going to update my blog and making promises et cetera, it has always been a lie. Not that I don't want to but there are a lot of things going on. Jadi hasrat nak update blog pun terbantut. Kesian kan? Hadudu.

No worries, now that I'm here, I'll do what I have to do. :D

Where to start eh? This might have to be in a series of posts since I guess it will be too long for a few stories in one single post.

Let's start with the Maths Shopping where we all get to buy questions and answer them. Lame? No. It's fun actually. Let me explain further. The concept was roughly what I said earlier but we don't have to pay for the questions. It's like a race also, whoever gets to answer the number of questions required wins. When you are in the situation, you'll get the whole idea. Everyone was busy rushing here and there, from booth to booth collecting questions, you'll get excited and eventually your brain works better. At least, it works for me :D There are 5 members in my team ; Ad, Eisha, Alia, Shaz and me. We managed to get the second prize, alhamdulillah :) Let's just stop ranting now, picture time!



Next, we'll go to the most-awaited Biology experiment, rat dissection! I wasn't looking forward to it as much as some of my classmates were because I thought rats aren't just suitable for this -__-" If I were given a chance to choose between frog and rat, I'd choose frog simply because it doesn't has furs. It's not just because rats have furs but I was imagining that the rats will be soaked with chloroform so the furs will be wet and when we dissect them they'd be bleeding and... yeah, I'm sure you know what I mean.

So, Gee paired up with me to dissect a rat. A few of our classmates requested to dissect one on their own but we were fine doing it together. LOL. Gee never did dissection before while I've done it 2 years ago but it was a frog not a rat. I kept calm anyhow although I'm really worried that the rat would get up and run away or whatever (like what Rattatouile can do -___-"). On the other hand, Gee looked really nervous and worried. Her hands were kind of trembling! Haha. She got over it later somehow and we were fine after some time. :) We even check out it's brain! Heh.

More pictures on Facebook :) By the way, during the experiment, I heard people saying they were already full and don't want to have lunch. But then, right after the experiment, everyone was hungry and headed to the cafe. LOL!

Next up should be about the "Majlis Makan Beradab". Till then! :]


groovykhim said…
Love your bag, love your bag! The beautiful cloth-bag and blue sling bag? :D Ahahah whatever it is, you dissected a raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat omg i'm so jealousssss. T____T

Hahahaha. Congratulation on the second placing for the Maths competition, anyway. <3!of
Shahiela C said…
Thanks! :D
It's okay, I've done your part on the rat already. Haha.

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