Starting anew

Hello there.

I swear, I have so many things to tell but the problem is... semuanya cerita basi. I'm not sure if you all know about it (or don't even care), I'm not in the mood already. Doh. And this blog has becoming more and more boring with lots and lots of writing and no pictures. Boo me, boo.

See, introduction pun dah panjang berjela semata-mata nak cakap I tak nak cakap pasal cerita basi. Blergh. Tau tak kekok rasanya bila dah lama tak blogging? Benci. Dah. Shuush to what I'm not telling and let's proceed to what's the 'in' thing right now (in my life, obviously).

First up, semester 1 result is out. Praises to Allah I've got 3.93. The one slacking is Maths (A-), lawak tak? Tapi memang padan sebab ketepikan Maths. Tak adil sungguh, revise subjek Sains je lebih *roll eyes*. And I got B for English. Tulah kokonon omputih dah terer so takyah buat apa-apa revision, padan muka kau, Shahiela. Overall, it's really beyond my expectation, anyway. Sebelum dapat result, paranoid gila. Hari-hari fikir pasal result, stress tau tak. Takutnya, Allah je yang tahu. Kalau pointer below than 2.00, kena extend course lagi setahun and that makes 2 years of matriculation. Memang seksa sangat tunggu result keluar. Honestly, I can't stand another year of this all-study-and-no-play course. This second semester is going to be tougher for sure, so I better get prepared.

I wanted to blog about KAKOM (Matriculations Co-curricular Carnival) actually which was on the 11th-16th of November. Yes, November. Kan dah kata cerita basi tadi. Basically, I represented KMS for netball. Bila masuk ni, baru sedar yang I main sopan-santun rupanya. Hahaha. If I'm going to play again, insyaAllah akan cuba main lebih kasar okay? LOL. Being part of KAKOM was definitely fun! Such an experience. :)

Next thing is my birthday. Itu October punya cerita. Dah ada fungi hidup dah pun tak kiralah Phylum Ascomycota, Zygomycota ataupun Basidiomycota. Hahaha masuk Bio sekejap :P Anyhow, I had a great birthday this year. Apart from PK's annual concert (so amusing, thank you! :D) and birthday wishes, my roommates planned a surprise the night before. Comel je. My family celebrated with me at Banting as well. Birthdays are always pleasant with your loved ones. ;)

Alright, seeing that we've reached to the last month of the year, this means that we all should come up with new resolutions, no? Haven't got anything in mind yet but will try to come up with some resolutions and hopefully I could post them up in another two weeks.

Till then, have a good December! XX.


wow tinggi gile pointer adik..
tahniah... mmg dh agak adik mmg leh wat punyelh...
wow tinggi gile pointer adik..
tahniah.. mmg agak dah adik boleh wat punye..
leh tumpang bangga nei..
Shahiela C said…
Syikin ; Apakah? Sayang you jugak!

Kk Oca ; Terima kasih :)
Syahirah Huda said…
Congrats and no, cerita basi pun layan apa. (Y) Your writing's just great, Kak Shahiela!
Shahiela C said…
Thanks, Huda! :) Loving your blog also, couldn't miss any of your posts.
Fikri Chao said…
U can do it girl, just trust yourself ok.
Shahiela C said…
Thanks for the encouragement, Dad. :')

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