Five for 2012.

Hello there! As what I've said previously on Vampires Diaries... okay tak. I'm here with some new year's resolutions! I've been thinking hard to come up with this list. Biasanya buat yang general atau orang kata matlamat-matlamat klise. But this time, it's going to be serious. Seriously serious. Right. Okay, you got it.

Save money. Rasanya Sem 1 banyak sangat membazir. Boros tak ingat dunia macam duit berkoyan makan lapanpuluhdua generasi tak habis. Sekarang dah kopak baru nak berjimat (-__-"). Bukan sebab itu je tapi sebab tiba-tiba rasa macam nak beli Instax mini. Okay I know, it's so last year *gulung lidah* but who cares? This time, I nak beli sendiri. Tapi kalau ada insan yang punya hati baik, tulus dan ikhlas nak bagi sebagai hadiah birthday 2011/2012 pun boleh~ :P

Live healthily. This is so cliche sebab setiap tahun ada matlamat ni namun tak pernah menjadi kenyataan. Kesian. But this year, insyaAllah boleh sebab ada geng nak exercise. Hehe. Not forgetting to eat right and get enough sleep despite of tons of homeworks/assignments/reports etc. piling up waiting to be done.

Be generous. In every single way, to every single person. Be more open-minded, always put myself in other's situation before judging. Talk good things, be sensitive of words used and have a positive mind. Take good examples, ditch the bad. If someone is annoying/disgusting/spiteful/mean etc, do not hate the person but hate the actions. Always, always be ready to lend a hand. And lastly, smile more. ;]

Study consistently. Not that I'm going to make myself study 24/7 tapi kena siapkan kerja on time. Stop procrastinating, please. Buat summary bila habis belajar satu chapter on weekends. Kalau tak faham, tanya. Teringat arwah nenek selalu marah kalau sesat jalan. Dia kata, "buat apa belajar tinggi-tinggi kalau tak tahu nak baca signboard atau tanya orang?". And, same goes here. In my case, when I have doubts, I prefer asking my friends first. If they can't explain it, then only I'll seek for my lecturers. Kenapa? Sebab takut kalau tanya pensyarah, nanti pensyarah soal balik. Maklumlah, sebelum pergi jumpa pensyarah bukannya nak revise dulu. Hahaha.

Be a better person. Klise lagi. Tapi memang wajib dalam list kan? Forgive and forget. Learn lessons and move forward. Everyone has their own targets in life, don't we? So go for it. Don't doubt. By the way, I always have this doubt about doing things in me. Tak tahulah kenapa, setiap kali nak make something different or a change (padahal kecil je pun), mesti teragak-agak. Mesti hesitate, nak buat ke tak, nak buat ke tak... And now, that has to stop. I gotta be confident. And then, sifat pemalu tak bertempat. Ish. From now on, kena kurangkan sifat pemalu, tambahkan confident. Yes.

And I'm done! Sikit je pun. Memang sikit tapi ini pun dah kira berat. Entah dapat buat ke tak... Belum new year dah ragu-ragu. Resolution kelima dah musnah. What is this?!

InsyaAllah boleh. Where there's a will, there's a way, no? :) So, Happy 2012, sweethearts!


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