Picture time!

That's the class. It's Sains Modul 1 Kuliah 2 Praktikum 1. Nama kelas pun tak nak kalah panjangnya.

So we had a class photoshoot a few weeks ago. Never thought that we'll have this like the ones we had during school. Haha. It's cool though since we haven't had any proper class photo yet. We had both formal and informal shots. The photoshoot was indeed enjoyable with such funny photographers. Lawak depa tak boleh blah. Yang tukang promote gambar cakap macam Usop Wilcha. Tone suara, face expression memang sama. LOL. Now, to the photos, shall we?

Teringat blazer dekat sekolah. Rindu. :') 

Masing-masing control macho, control ayu. Ececeh.

 Amboi USD suka eh duduk depan!

These are some of it. Banyak yang sama je pun sebab photographer snap banyak kali setiap pose. Masa pun singkat je. Semua orang dapat satu gambar formal and satu gambar informal. Kelakar jugak ah gambarnya. Nak tengok kena datang rumah. Hewhewhew.

Kalau dah namanya bulan Ramadhan, selain ibadah sama-sama, mesti kena ada iftar sama-sama! So Miss Maya, our Biology tutorial lecturer joined us last Monday. We all brought our food and ate together at the cafe (I'd say it's a canteen, anyway).

Say Hello to Sherman, the WH-questions guy.

Next, Madam Chia, our Chemistry lecturer is leaving a week after Eid. :( She's going to do her Masters in UPM. I'm sure everyone is really sad that she's leaving. She sure is a dear to each and everyone of us and we'll miss her so much. Anyhow, thank you for everything that you've taught for these past few months and I wish you all the best, Madam! :')

Gambar blur doh. Siapa yang ambil ni?! Alahai.

By the way, meet Fatin and Faiz!

Pewwit baju sama seh! Hikhik. And no, they're not in a relationship (just so you know). Haha.

p.s. I'm having 2 weeks break! Jangan jeles~


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