Hiking with mandarin oranges

As-salam, hello

Mama's siblings came to our house during the CNY holiday last week. In the evening around 6 p.m., my cousin sister suggested to go hiking at Broga. I was so excited, seriously haha. Told Syera about hiking the Broga hill one day with our friends the day before. So, my wish was granted only that I went there with my family but it's cool. We went there with our slippers on, not to mention they were exhausted (tapak slipper tu botak ah senang cerita) -____-" Nurul, 9 y/o even wore a skirt, HAH. The trail is sandy and the hill is quite steep. Gahhh, we weren't well equipped.

Mama, Maklong and my sister stopped halfway (wait, it's not even half). I went on with the others to complete the 1.7 km hike. I was the 6th person in the family to reach at the top. Bukannya lambat tapi ada masalah sikit tengah jalan, kena tunggu orang lagi sebab tulah perjalanan tergendala sikit. Tak tipu tau. Okay but it's not exactly the top yet. To reach the peak, the slopes are horrifying. Only Nurul (yeah, the one who wore a skirt) and Sani, her brother went up to the peak. Bravo, children! Alahai, budak kecik senang ah kan *ayat tak nak kalah.

Nevertheless, the view from where we stopped by was amazing. I love it! ♥ The sun was setting, orange-ish sky, soft, chilling wind, ahhhh it was a breathe-taking experience. I'm exaggerating a little but you should really try hiking the Broga hill :) Anyway, many said it's nicer to see the sunrise than the sunset.

Then, we had barbeque for dinner. My uncle slaughtered one of my grandmother's goose since it's quite old already. But it didn't turn out good because the meat is not tender enough. Only some of us tried it. On the next day, we were supposed to go to the waterfall but we canceled it because Pakcik had a fever all of a sudden.

Now, I shall leave you with a few pictures. I looked terrible, no, everyone looked exhausted. Hey, we just went up a hill, what pretty face would you expect to see?!

The excited person.

Selipar jepun tapak haus.

The few metres up to the peak. It's steeper than it may look.

We did it! WE DID IT! *proud face

Terpaksa palingkan muka berlemuih dan ekzosted so that you people won't freak out.

The sun was setting, orange-ish sky, soft, chilling wind, ahhhh it was a breathe-taking experience. Hikhik.

 Jom pergi lagiiiiiiiiiiiiii ♥

p.s. We brought a Mandarin orange each along while hiking. Pure satisfaction of getting to eat an orange after the hike, LOL.

All pictures are credited to kak Quiah.


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