
Happy Teacher's Day, teachers.

We had a Teacher's Day celebration at school yesterday. I don't know what happened but I guess it was pretty fine. Heard both positive and negative feedbacks, but oh well, people have different thoughts. So long as we had done our best, then I think everyone deserves a compliment. :)

I went to this Program Sehari Bersama Sasterawan Negara at SMAP with Syera, Zai and Farhana. It was not a good one though, they changed the plan suddenly at the end of the opening ceremony, when we're supposed to go to classes with Selangor authors to learn how to write all sorts of literature components. But, they made us sit in the school hall for about 2 hours, having this Q&A session. The students and teachers really have a lot to ask eventhough their questions are almost the same ; And yes, it's a torture for me.

It was sad that I missed the Teacher's Day celeb just for that. Pity Pn. Aida even more that she had to missed the celebration, she was bored there too. It was worse for me and Syera, even Pn. Aida said that because it will be the last celebration, we'll be having it with teachers lecturers next year. SIGH.

Anyway, I would want to say that my teachers were all the best ; from kindergarten up to high school. I have the best set of teachers whom had successfully made me who I am now. I couldn't thank you all enough, I can just do my very best in everything, now and then. Blame my memory that I don't really remember all of my teachers but I still know your names and remember all those funny and stupid things I did to you but you just smiled instead of whacking me up and say "shut up and sit at your place!". Nah, you NEVER said that. What else can I say, you're just the best!

I love you, teachers. Happy Teacher's Day. :')


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