Happy CNY eh no, it's Happy NY.

Not New York, it's New Year. Before that, a little wrap up for the hectic year of 2009. Many said it's a honeymoon year and for me, it is not true. Don't even think about it. Being in Form 4 is about going into a new life and basically, a new everything (mostly). So the year started off with the Sports Day and bla bla bla *okay I know you all knew about it. Honestly, sports aren't what I do or enjoy. Don't tell me that I run fast, I am a high jumper or whatever you're thinking. I really don't. Then, the random stuffs came along. The exams (as always) which to me are extremely different and I'm still blur about the format until NOW. Yes, and I'm going Form 5 next year. Sitting for SPM. SHOOT! Okay, don't worry everything is under control. I'm still sane, thanks :)

Now the year 2010 is approaching. Yeah, in a few more hours (still can't believe this). I hope it's gonna be a great year despite of the coming exams and pressure, I believe that it has a lot to offer for a better me. I gotta study hard and I mean real hard (study smart isn't working for me). It's the tie-breaker. Either I excel and get to be what I want or otherwise. No, I don't want that otherwise to happen, so gotta go fight for it. I hope to be more rational and grown up in everything I do. No more childish and immature acts. Not forgetting, the 10 things I said on my previous post.

You have been tough, 2009 so it's farewell now. :')

And you're coming closer, 2010. Be nice and let me learn. ;)

Nur Shahiela Chao AFC.


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