Hi there. Udah lama nggak ketemu kan. Maafin gwe ya, gwe agak kesibukan sikit ni... Cut! Dah lama tak tengok sinetron, inilah jadinya (padahal jarang tengok). Okay. So how are you doing? Great? Great. Me? Great. Just great. Maknanya? Still surviving. In all terms, food, lifestyle and study (literally). Haha. Well, I gotta take study a little at a time. Yelah I bukannya jenis belajar 24/7 since high school lagi. Sekarang masuk med school tetiba kena revise lecture notes everyday ; min 2, max 4 memanglah satu keajaiban kalau boleh terus biasakan diri ye dak? At least I revised although tak berjaya habis hari-hari. 2 - 4 one hour lecture notes sounds little but to understand and even better memorize them ain't that easy people. Trust meh. Contohnya tadi, ada 3 hours of lecture about muscle ; shoulder, axilla, arm and forearm. 1 hour boleh fokus, second hour dah lost somewhere along the lecture, third lecture banyak gilos memang dah borak dengan Ika pasal benda lain. Haha....