
3rd decade

Back here again after 3 years. Hi :) Just felt like writing again today. I’m on leave as things usually goes out of hand if I work on my birthday so let’s just skip that today. So where do I start now? I’m now at one of the districts in Sabah, came here last year after I got the permanent post. Didn’t thought it would turn out like this. Being a doctor has not been the way I have imagined it would be back then when I’ve decided to go to medical school. What I had in mind was— graduate from medical school after 5 years, do housemanship for 2 years then become MO for 2 years and join masters program for 4 years and become a specialist. That’s the timeline I had in mind, mostly after looking at my brother in law’s life. However, Allah had a different plan for me. I finished housemanship 2 weeks later than I was supposed to (handed in my logbook late for ED posting :p), haven’t decided what I want to do by this time— was aiming for FamMed since undergrad but then thought I haven’t explore

What's new?

Hi! There's so much to tell but I'll do it later. Just dropping by to introduce my boyfriend 🙆 For now, let's just call him S, shall we? ♡

Survived (Part 2)

Sambung lah cerita semalam. Moving on to my second posting which was medical. At Serdang, we only do general medicine, we did not go to nephro, respi and cardio. Ni lagilah cuak sebab sebelum start lagi dah dimomokkan dengan medical posting yang high extension rate. Tagging saja dah dekat 3 minggu hahahaha. Oh me and tagging tak sah kalau tak lama, tak sah kalau tak nearing dateline. What I love most about medical was the super nice MOs. MO kat medical semua baik-baik. Rajin & baik. MOs boleh tolong masuk notes round pun kalau banyak sangat active plans. At medical, most imagings MO yang request. My medical MOs are angels. Registrar pun baik. Being in medical, tak sah lah kalau tak busy. Kalau station kat ED, either GZ/YZ or RZ. GZ/YZ tu tak sah kalau tak banyak. RZ tu kalau jonah, boleh lah banyak case hahaha. I've had 2 DKAs and 1 HHS in one night hahahahaha. Tapi registrars mostly angel so takpe, sis sanggup. I've learnt that I don't mind being busy with work, having

Survived (part 1)

Assalamualaikum and hi? Tak kisah lah ada lagi yang membaca atau tak... Typing this for myself, as a reminder or for me to read when I'm older of whatever I've gone through so far :) It's 12:33 AM, 5th of May 2020 now. Nak recap balik apa yang jadi for the past 2 years. 2 years bunyi macam lama kan? Especially sebelum start housemanship dulu. Shahiela, percaya tak awak dah habis housemanship? Extended 2 weeks haha sebab diri sendiri penakut sangat nak assessment kat ED dulu but you're done with housemanship, tahniah! *pats self on the back* Tak sangka kan? Dulu setiap kali orang cakap, "takpe, 2 tahun je. Sekejap je habis lah. Tak perasan pun nanti." Berhuhu setiap kali orang cakap camtu, kadang-kadang dalam hati ada jugak rasa nak jawab, "senang lah orang yang cakap, diri sendiri yang menghadap ni macam mana". I was scared. Hello, siapa yang tak takut? It's a whole new phase. It's a new start. Sesungguhnya, I hate new beginnings. I don


Hi guys! (hm I'll imagine that there's still people who exist in this blogging life and would actually read xD) My last post was about my Pro exam? Not even anything about housemanship? Mannnnn that's a very long, long, longgg time ago haha. I'm nearing the end of my housemanship dah pun. Senang cerita, dah jadi HO tua hahaha. Sebenarnya kalau nak ikutkan, banyak yang nak diceritakan. The whole thing. The whole journey. Everything about housemanship. Nak taip macam-macam. Nak cerita pasal benda yang best, benda yang kelakar, benda yang horror, benda yang tak suka (read: benci), benda yang sedih eh macam-macam lah. Tapi mana mungkin nak taip benda yang jadi 2 tahun. Tak sangka dah nak habis 2 tahun dah kerja. Ni belum lagi scroll baca cerita lama. Boleh tahan malu haha. Nantilah satu hari. Kalau diizinkan diri ni rajin untuk menaip. InsyaAllah. At least 1 post pasal housemanship untuk buat kenangan baca balik hari tua nanti ye dak? :) That's it for n

Medical school... in a nutshell?

So, helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooo there! Hehe. It feels weird every single time I say hi at the start of my blog post because... is there really anyone reading this lol. It's okay. If it's not anyone else, there's always me who'll someday come back and read what I've written down here haha. Alright, back to the topic. Real business here, there's no way I can talk about my medical school journey in this one post. I actually wanted to talk about my final year especially about THE MOST INTENSE BATTLE I'VE GONE THROUGH MY WHOLE LIFE. It's necessary to type it with all capital letters to um, just highlight it? Haha. I'm gonna talk about my final Professional 3 exam. If any of my juniors are reading this, I really hope that I won't scare you too much ey? Because even if it's really bad or scary, a lot of people have went through it and nobody has ever died sitting for the exam hahaha. I can now laugh talking about this but definitely not at


Hola guys! I wonder if anyone still blogs nowadays haha. When was the last update again? Don't know if there's still people reading but I'm gonna do an update soon. The question is... how soon? Probably in a few days time. Kot. Hahahaha. InsyaAllah soon. Just for a quick update, I'm done with medical school! YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!! I'm gonna tell you guys a lot of things that has happened, basically a sum up of my medical school journey. Need to put it down somewhere so that I can read it back later, for memory purpose :') Till then! xx Shaa <3 p="">